What do you think this is a dress rehersal?

“The real fun of life is in overcoming obstacles while still happily hoping everything will work out. … "

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Browsing

I've been blog browsing again, putting off more thesis writing and instead perusing other people's lives that seem much more exciting than my own. One of my friends wrote that she thought blogging relatively selfish, we write and post pictures expecting other people to be as interested in the minutia of our lives as we are of writing about it. And perhaps that true - but honestly its about me anyways, more for my own personal satisfaction then then need of a response.
Despite my own personal satisfaction in writing, I do enjoy reading about other people's lives, though and their personal thoughts. Sometimes its a recipe from a friend like apple pie - and I remember eating an apple pie late at night in a Ronald McDonald house with her . . . we forgot the salt but the ice cream sandwich with it was a saving grace.
I read another friends blog today who had pictures of her two amazing children and I wondered what a person could do to get a life like that. Simple and beautiful and happy. But I couldn't think of any one who deserved it more.
There's another blog I read - that I just came across through a friend, of a man who struggle with same gender attractions, among other life challenges. He works on balancing his life through the gospel. Sometimes its then that I realize the minutia of my blog . . . Despite his honesty, or perhaps because of it, I'm encouraged by the way he consistently is open about challenges while learning. Its an important life lesson for me. I go back and forth about being honest with my challenges and keep things light and simple. I'm not always sure of the balance or how to communicate what I really feel. Perhaps this blog, more than anything, for me is an exercise is consistency. (Something that I appreciate in life and am still figuring out).

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rosie Action

Its seven thirty on a Friday morning and I should be getting on with my life - but I'm happily delaying it, or maybe simply trying to jump ahead to a relaxing weekend by ignoring the long list of things I need to do and writing on my blog. Its been awhile. I've been wondering what to write about, though its not for a lack of subjects from an interesting weekend in D.C. with friends and family to my new resolve to balance my life with P90X (which by the way is definitely resulting in sore muscles) to my excitement over my Rosie the Riveter costume.

On Wednesday, I went out with the sisters for the afternoon, and when our appointment canceled we went to see Priscilla. Its been several months since I've visited her, but she's still writing away on her life story. It just so happens that she was working on a part during WWII where she describes her life as a Rosie the Riveter. I was excited. Give me my red bandanna and blue coveralls, I'm ready. Rosie represents a symbol of many things for people, but for me perhaps my Rosie theme this week is simply I can do it. Priscilla said one of the most satisfying things about working in the factory for her was a feeling that she could contribute, that what she was doing was important. That, she and her daughter Anne philosophized, was what so many people are missing in the world today.

Despite this lack of direction, I think my life is full of Rosies who roll up their sleeves just the same, no factory job needed and get things done. I see it in my sister who balances her new State Department job, family life and her own needs, while making sure my roommate and I have a great weekend in D.C. I see it in my classmate who never stops challenging, bringing up new ideas and pushing for change in teacher training. I feel it in the small card that I got out of the blue this week from a woman in my parents ward, writing to tell me that she admires me and is thinking about me. I see Rosies all around me that do . . . and I like being a part of all that action.