What do you think this is a dress rehersal?

“The real fun of life is in overcoming obstacles while still happily hoping everything will work out. … "

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rant of the Single Girl

I know, it dangerous putting a title like that at the top, but aren’t I entitled to some ranting – I mean how many people read this thing anyways – so I’m going to take so liberties. :) Always a dangerous decision.

This is what I realized. In writing my glowing year in review letter, I suddenly felt like I had to defend myself for being single – tell people how many dates I’d been on, my “serious” boyfriend stint and that men are just falling at my feet. (yes, that was an exaggeration they aren’t exactly falling). Confession – I avoid going to mission reunions because I’m single and I feel like whether or not I’m dating someone will be the first question I get asked (not what am I studying or where have I traveled).

But I can’t help but wonder, where is all this pressure (mostly self-imposed) coming from and why should I feel like my identity must be shaped by a man in my life!

Is it the fact that my Dad is commiserating on the old age of his youngest daughter and her ever- present singleness . . . or is it the way he asks me if I’ve figured out how to get married yet. No, I haven’t figured out the solution, though – my skin is getting thicker as my sense of humor expands.

Maybe it’s the reality of being 28 and realizing in my 16-year-old life plan I should have been married six years ago. But I don’t regret turning down silly and serious proposals – why settle right? And I can’t help but think that I like who I am now, and I’m not sure I would be the same person if I was married at 22. So why the paranoia?

My peers complain about pressure of LDS culture to get married – and though I agree marriage and family is the focus, somehow I don’t feel pressured in my little single’s branch where most people are just happy for me to show up!

Ok, so its true, though, that as Young Single Adult Rep I live in a constant atmosphere of dating scrutiny in our stake. Everyone notices when you talk to someone for longer than five minutes, but I’ve learned my star-gazing lessons and I’m very careful . . .

Maybe it’s the well-intended advice of married friends on my dating life that brings frustration as they give comfort to the single girl. (In reality sometimes I wonder if each of is secretly a little envious of the other and the freedoms that go with our separate lives). Not even that I really mind that.

No in the end, I think what I feel frustrated with is somehow or another I feel like I’ve come up lacking because I’m single. Maybe people communicate that inadvertently in their eagerness to pass on what they see is the next step for me. Just one more thing I need to fix and then I can move on, be grown up, be really living life . . . But it’s a little scary to admit that being single, or other people’s commentary on my singleness bothers me - because it could bring advice, pity, validation . . . judgment, and I don’t really think I want any of those –

My life is good. So why in the world do I feel like I have to prove it?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Un blog especial por mis queridos chilenos

No puedo creer que ya ha pasado un ano adicional, pero al pensar en este ano pasado veo que mi vida esta llena de gente y aventureas increibles. Este blog es dedicado a mi familia y todos mi amigos quienes son los que me hacen feliz!

Me encanta la vida! Como soltera tengo grandes oportunidades a contribuir! Soy la representante por adultos solteros en mi estaca y trabajo mucho para involucrar a todos. Entre cosechando tallos de maiz para decorar por un baile, organizando paseos y bailando como una gringa loca, disfruto mi llamamiento! Constatmente estoy asombrada por la fuerza y alta calidad de los hombres y mujeres que me rodean en la universisdad y en mi region.

Estudiando es un disafio para mi este ano, el segundo y ultimo de mi maestria. Estoy escribiendo mi tesis y paraece que nunca terminare! Pero tengo una tema y datos entonces ahora estoy escribinedo y escribiendo y escribiendo. Bleh! Mis estudios me facinan pero lo mas importante es que terminare en Mayo!

A pesar de estar una estudiante he podido viajar a visitar amigos y familia. Entre un paseo largo en auto a traves de los Estados y Canada, mi visita anual a Texas para estar con mi companera favorita de la mision y tiempo con familia y amigos en Utah, Idaho, Nueva York y Washington D.C. mis viajes han sido llenos de aventuras. He visto el arbol de Navidad de mi pais, sali corriendo (en auto) de un tornado, via a las Cataratas del Niagara, acaricie mis sobrinos, aprid el himno nacional de Canada en Ontario, senti la pas del bosque sagrado en Palmyra y disfrute todo la espontaneidad y buena conversacion de muchas paseos y viajes.

El mejor parte de mi ano, sin embargo, ha sido el tiempo que podria estar con mi familia. Tres nuevas sobrinas unio a nuestra familia este ano pasado y son la adicion perfecta. Una de mis sobrinas y su familia (3 sobrinos y mi hermana y cunado) recientemente se trasladaron a Washington D.C. pocas horas de mis casa. Me encanta todo el tiempo que tengo ahora como tia. Mi otra hermana y su familia se sellaron a mi dos sobrinas nuevas que fueron adoptadas en Octubre. Estoy tan agradecida que estuve un parte de esta dia especial y me hace recordar todas las bendiciones del templo y familias eternas.

No puedo pensar de un mejor manera de pasar un ano tan feliz. Les deseo lo mismo! Gracias por ser un maravilloso parte de mi vida!

Con mucho carino,
Tu gringa loca