What do you think this is a dress rehersal?

“The real fun of life is in overcoming obstacles while still happily hoping everything will work out. … "

Friday, November 12, 2010

Remembering Veterans Day

This morning on my way home from working out I listened to a clip on NPR about veterans from Vietnam who worked in the mortuary sending home the bodies of soldiers who had been killed. I was reminded of the weight that so many veterans bear. With the increasing coverage of vets who commit suicide, I felt grateful that it wasn't me who had to encounter so many brutalities of war . . . and then felt a little selfish for it.
In writing today I found my self trying to express gratitude without sermonizing on the pros and cons of wars previous and current. And because I don't really think today is a sermon day I won't.
Instead I remember Veterans Day growing up in Missouri- we had a parade for our local veterans and our marching band marched. As a kid, I liked the idea of getting out of school and going to the parade, and in Jr. High and High School I marched in the band. There was a fascination of the veterans who marched in that parade with us, for one day celebrities recognized for sacrifice in their own right. I'm not sure if many, or any, had thrilling experiences like the romanticized war hero. Making a sacrifice has never been a thrilling experience for me.
But somehow on veterans day I think back to our polyester band suits and Veterans marching together and feel pride to have been able to show appreciation in some small way for people who have kept my life relatively normal while their is often changed forever.

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