What do you think this is a dress rehersal?

“The real fun of life is in overcoming obstacles while still happily hoping everything will work out. … "

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cowboy Boots and Simple Talents

So I've had several guy friends tell me that the "problem" with lds girls is that they often lack passion about something, instead just being moderately good at a few things and biding their time . . . Well I don't know much about biding my time, and though I am passionate I think these boys were hoping for a super star of something. :)

Now I'm no super star, but a simple pleasure today made me think about talents and passion. I've decided I'm passionate about being happy. That means when my roommate gives me her old pair of cowboy boots I put them on and dance . . . and when my friend comes over you know I have to show them off again. And let me tell you I can pack a lot of passion into enjoying those boots.

Sometimes I think its easy to overlook the small gifts in comparison to "major" talent. I know people with major talents - fast runners, great piano players, incredible teachers, nuclear physicists, life changers etc. etc. You name it - they have it. And say - have at 'em boys. I like a talented woman who's passionate about what she does.

At the same time though, despite all of this major talent I can't help but feel quietly satisfied with an ability to get so much joy out of a pair of hand-be-down cowboy boots. Its gets me through at times when major talents don't apply.

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