What do you think this is a dress rehersal?

“The real fun of life is in overcoming obstacles while still happily hoping everything will work out. … "

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Its worth it

Tonight I went to a dinner appointment with the sister missionaries and a relatively new convert in our branch. He's making decisions about going on a mission, and the couple we ate dinner with were both first generation members of the church. They understood what its like not to have family support. I'm pretty sure the sisters planned that one on purpose - why they invited me I wasn't quite sure, but I'm glad I went.

I don't know quite how to explain what it is to watch a person change because of the gospel, but sitting there tonight, talking to this couple, talking to my friend who just joined the church in October, thats when I know its worth it. Not just for them - even though tonight that couple talked about all the blessing they had, and my friend shared his experience with change. But its worth it for me, though my change may not be as dramatic.

Its worth it to get up a little earlier, to wear my shorts a little longer, to spend three hours of my Sunday in church and more hours during the week. Its worth it to wait to until marriage . . . to not attend every social event, even to be thought of as naive.

Its true. I saw it in their eyes and know it in my heart. Its worth it.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN to that. I feel like I'm always saying AMEN to your entries. lol
    Yes, it's so worth it, even if the world doesn't think so.
