So I had a friend write me an email the other day, one that I hadn't heard from in a long time, and I asked her to tell me all about her life. She said, "Do you want to know everything, or just the good things" . . . It made me stop and think.
First I wondered, what makes a person ask a question like that? Why not talk about the bad things, and especially why would a person need permission for it? And then, I thought about the millions of times that people have asked me "Are you always happy? - You never seem to get mad." More often than not, they're people who haven't seen me on a bad day but . . . I can't help but wonder sometimes if my lack of communicating bad things makes others think they don't exist.
I thought about writing all about the sad or bad things on my blog tonight just to prove I do have bad days and sad things - but I couldn't, because today wasn't a bad one, and I'm not really sure it would solve anything.
Really, more often than not I do choose not to focus on the bad things - not that I don't have a good venting session or cry - those definitely have a regular occurrence, but after than its seems easier to refocus, or find something that makes me happy, it takes too much energy to be sad all the time. But I'm never quite sure whether its an act of denial or faith.
Nice blog. Still always in love with your entries. If anyone ever needs to know if you ever have bad days/cry, have them talk to me. I also know what to tell them to fix it ;) lol love you, and all of you