What do you think this is a dress rehersal?

“The real fun of life is in overcoming obstacles while still happily hoping everything will work out. … "

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Young Single Adults

So this weekend was full of adventures, from taking the scenic route to and from Palmyra thanks to a mixed up GPS called Velma, late night singing around the camp fire, lectures on marriage and single life to make us all squirm and incredible experiences in Palmyra. Its a singles conference: fun, awkward and spiritual experiences on very little sleep.

I'm my stake's YSA rep, and I couldn't help this weekend, as I looked at our very small turnout, to wonder why we have them. From four stakes in the area 25 people came. What are we doing, or not doing? What is it that people like me really need?

According to the lds singles blogging experts our activities are to have social and spiritual experiences . . . with a hopeful side effect of marriage. Now sometimes the marriage message is more blatant than others. D&C 131 seems to be the favorite scripture for these events, and yet somehow I keep coming out single :)

Despite my well developed sense of humor, and perhaps slightly calloused attitude towards the whole thing, I can't help but feel concerned for what seems to me to be the greater need. People my age who just stop believing and belonging. I'm not sure I'm convinced that we all need campfires or marriage lectures, but we all need to believe and belong. In my stake, there 300 YSA and yet barely 50 attend church or an activity regularly. What can I do for my other 250? How can I help them believe and belong.

Its a challenge I haven't figure out yet, sometimes it seems I can't even do that for the people who are closest to me. Despite that, I haven't given up.

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