What do you think this is a dress rehersal?

“The real fun of life is in overcoming obstacles while still happily hoping everything will work out. … "

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The best friends

Today I am grateful for friends.
A few night ago I stayed up giggling with a friend about how funny guys are - and even funnier our expectations of them. What, you mean they don't listen to everything . . . or even more draw us out with thought provoking questions?!?!
Its real shocker every time I remember that. :)
In statistics today I whispered through half the class period with another friend in my program about our thesis, IRB approval and the craziness of advisers. We talked about careers, and the tragedy of her adding cayene pepper instead of cinnamon to french toast ( saved by the way with other spices because she's such a fabulous cook. What's not to like about cayenne pepper french toast right?) while still absorbing something about multiple regression analysis.
I got an email that made me smile from another friend who's saving the world, writing a book and with whom I talk about life missions while we paint her office and define our credibility!
And those are only three of many!
I don't mean to brag, but really, I have the best friends!

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