So have you ever woken up from a perfect dream to the reality of life. That was my morning. Really I like Sunday mornings, they are generally restful, but for some reason this morning I woke up and felt disappointed with life. I even entertained a little pity party, sometimes I just can't shake the feeling that all around me people's dreams are coming true and they live these perfect lives, while I'm stuck trying to figure out how to make it happen.
Despite the fact that I recognize that as a fallacy, I still haven't perfected the art of dealing with disappointment.
You know the funny thing about being single is that sometimes disappointment comes on without any triggers. (as I'm writing I'm thinking that perhaps this phenomenon isn't just limited to single people, but because often my disappointment is connected with that . . . ) I wake up and I say being single STINKS and I could feel sad about it for a whole day if I let myself. Sometimes its hard not to.
Despite that fact- to church I went smiling outwardly because that's what I do fairly well, while inwardly thinking, why do I keep doing this! And that's when I remembered why I go to church.
Our branch presidency changed today, there was a beautiful music number and I received a nice compliment . . . but really none of those things got me through feeling down. I go to church because its comforting when things are hard. Though I have many people that I love and who love me there, its not that, but its the quite reassuring feeling of seeing people around me who keep going just like me. They smile, they laugh they love and they cry - sometimes in front of people and sometimes in private. But they are people living life with hope. I go to church because I do too.
Thanks for being honest. I enjoy reading blogs that are REAL. :)