What do you think this is a dress rehersal?

“The real fun of life is in overcoming obstacles while still happily hoping everything will work out. … "

Sunday, April 11, 2010

No fairy godmother

I never really thought I would blog. I have to confess that I thought most people started blogging once they were married, had kids and cute pictures to post. I have none of the above. Despite that fact, in a new adventure to celebrate my life as is, I've decided to blog.
In the middle of a session of discontent with the way things in my life were not happening how I had imagined, and wishing for a fairy godmother I woke up and decided to take action! I would create a blog about how great my life is - I would write something every day, perhaps that made me laugh, that I learned from, or that taught me more about love. (No guarantees that I will only stick to those categories).
Somehow writing about something fulfilling in life is on a daily basis in a public place seems to be a bigger commitment than just writing a thankful note in my journal. I don't know if I really expect people to read this, but I expect to enjoy writing it.
And the act of writing is realization in itself of my very own call to action. After all this life is no dress rehearsal and I'm living it and loving it. Every day.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN, sista.
    I really have found something fulfilling through blogging. or should I say through WRITING??? Anyway, keep it up. I love reading through people's deepest thoughts and daily things. It's so intimate to me, I love it. Now i don't feel as bad that I just found out you created it! ;)
