You know its funny how when you start a goal to appreciate life you get hit with a whammy.
Its not that today was really so awful per say, in fact I checked off presentation and report from my end of the semester list.
Its just the little irritating things in life like sleeping through the alarm, running to school knowing I should have put on a little more makeup and done something besides put my hair up, losing a student's paper- looking for it for an hour with no luck. and then working on the never ending papers all day . . . to come home, put on pajamas, eat a sandwich and keep typing away.
Perhaps my only problem is really how unglamorous and undramatic my life is. I think if I could wish it I would add some excitement, yet my roommate reminded me how last semester I had too much excitement in my life. I remembered last semesters finals and trying to make major decisions about classes, thesis, work and a relationship with very red puffy eyes and contemplating running away in any possible manner.
Suddenly, I am very happy in my pajamas, because after all I am quite certain that I can type this paper, I am very confident that I will make it through the semester and I am an accomplished first year graduate student about to put a little check next to that whole year of learning. Not only that but I can tell what ANCOVA is, what it stands for and when to use it. And that in itself is my daily accomplishment.
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